
12 days

min has screamed at me all the way for urbana-chamPAGNE to update, and i will not let her screams go to waste..

i went thru OBS at ubin for twelve days, so i went "missing" from the mainland. the most important thing i learnt from OBS; the limits of the human body are actually, but contradictarily(tell me if there's such a word), limitless.. i'll explain.. we ran 2.4km every morning at 5.55am, on almost all the mornings of the course. more or less, 6 out of the 12 days.. we had an kayaking expedition within the OBS course, kayaking to Pulau Hantu and back to Ubin.. for the sake of the people who don't know, P.Hantu is just beyond Sentosa, beyond Sister's Island, and contrary to its name, P.Hantu is less haunted then Sister's Island.. haha.. all in all, here's the distance we clocked:
- 24.4km running in 6 days, including a 10km on the last day..(ok, i know some people running marathons would say its nothing, but serious, it WAS tiring)
- 120km, on kayak in the Singapore seas, including with and against the tides
- endless kilometres hiking on foot
- 200% heart

Limitless. All i can say. Truly, the impossible is nothing.. no, actually, the impossible, is only what you call it.

So, after OBS, back to studies.. my CriminalInvestigations test is on monday, and i know shit, or no shit.. watever.. haha..i guess i'll study tomorrow..

I can't wait!!! POP-ing from Home Team Academy on 11th January. getting my inspector rank, or otherwise called by me, bling bling.. haha. and i really hope, life would be better after that.. going home everyday.. the travelling might kill me, but i'm already dead from being a trainee for 1 BLOODY YEAR..

Oh God, i'm almost completing my first year of NS.. i feel ORD-ing before your 20th b'day is really, really cool..

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